
北师大加东校友会参与发起,多伦多艾琳黛尔中学主办并由滑铁卢大学、布鲁克大学、多伦多艾琳黛尔中学等联合在全球同步推出的《Global Youth Challenge: COVID-19》《全球青少年COVID-19主题论文演讲比赛》决赛于多伦多时间6月13日举行,组委会在位于加拿大大多伦多地区密西沙加市的艾琳黛尔中学(The Erindale Academy)内设立了比赛指挥中心,通过ZOOM, YouTube和bilibili进行全球直播。



经过评审委员的现场投票,一等奖由来自中国的沈天畅夺得,她获得组委会颁发的奖状和500加元奖金;二等奖则由来自加拿大、美国、意大利、越南、洪都拉斯、埃及,以及墨西哥的八位选手夺得,每人获得奖状和200加元的奖金;三等奖则由来自印尼,芬兰等各个国家的八名选手夺得,每人获得奖状和100加元的奖金。另外,由现场观众投票评选出来的“最佳人气奖”由突尼斯的Achraf Khalil夺得。详细比赛结果请登录比赛官方网站www.theglobalyouth.com 浏览。

新华社凤凰卫视Omni TV 到现场采访并做了新闻报道。



▲ 沈天畅接受采访图


Video speech competition on youth challenge amid COVID-19 held in Canada

“决赛中,孩子们讲得比我们想象的要好的多!”发起这项活动并担任比赛总监的北京师范大学加东校友会会长、艾琳黛尔中学教学总监普光彪说,“从这些青少年身上。我们看到世界未来的希望。”担任这场决赛的主持人是艾琳黛尔中学(The Erindale Academy)的英文教师James Rice,他感慨地说:“选手们的表现非常好,他们通过这个比赛平台来分享各自在新冠疫情期间的不同经历、希望,以及对拯救世界的梦想。尤其令我印象深刻的是那位年仅11岁的选手,无论是英语语言表达还是阐述的观点都超级棒!”

▲ 普光彪直播现场工作图

▲ 主持人James Rice直播现场工作图


比赛组委会还表示,目前国际形势中存在诸多不稳定不确定因素,世界和平与发展仍面临一系列新困难、新挑战,青少年在创造和平世界中可以发挥“关键作用”,因此组委会在明年还将发起《Global Youth Challenge: World Peace》(全球青少年世界和平主题论文演讲比赛)。

▲ 主办方艾琳黛尔中学 Goerge 校长,直播现场工作图

▲ 多伦多艾琳黛尔中学提供直播场地和会场支持人员


Video speech competition on youth challenge amid COVID-19 held in Canada

TORONTO, June 13 (Xinhua) — A video speech competition titled Global Youth Challenge: COVID-19 was held in Mississauga of Canada on Saturday.

The audience saw 17 chosen finalists speak and answer questions to a panel of judges Saturday morning after more than 700 students aged between 14 and 19 from 28 countries, including China and the United States, joined in the competition online.

The video competition is meant to inspire students around the world to reflect and think how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world, according to the event’s organizer.

Each entry to the contest consists of an essay or a piece of visual art produced by the participant, which focuses on the effects of COVID-19 through the lens of a subject like mathematics, art, history, business and science.

The competition is sponsored by The Erindale Academy, University of Waterloo and Brock University. Enditem


Competitor Hao Lieu of Vietnam is seen on a screen with his works as he makes a speech during a video speech competition in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, on June 13, 2020. A video speech competition titled Global Youth Challenge: COVID-19 was held in Mississauga of Canada on Saturday. The video competition is meant to inspire students around the world to reflect and think how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world, according to the event’s organizer. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua)


Competitor Gracia Abadie of Honduras is seen on a screen as she makes a speech during a video speech competition in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, on June 13, 2020. A video speech competition titled Global Youth Challenge: COVID-19 was held in Mississauga of Canada on Saturday. The video competition is meant to inspire students around the world to reflect and think how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world, according to the event’s organizer. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua)


Moderator James Rice (L) of The Erindale Academy talks to a competitor during a video speech competition in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, on June 13, 2020. A video speech competition titled Global Youth Challenge: COVID-19 was held in Mississauga of Canada on Saturday. The video competition is meant to inspire students around the world to reflect and think how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world, according to the event’s organizer. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua)

Source: Xinhua,Editor: huaxia

Video speech competition on youth challenge amid COVID-19 held in Canada